CitrusHack 2023 Overview
What is it?
This web application is used to facilitate Citrus Hack 2023.
The application handles everything from registering users, gathering their information (email, school, resumes, etc.), schedules, judges, etc. (It pretty much handles every aspect of the hackathon 😲)
For CitrusHack 2023, there are 3 pages put up for production
- coming soon
- pre-live event page
- live page
The way I handled the above pages in GitHub are described furthur here
Coming Soon
- Put it in production AS SOON AS POSSIBLE (I had mine up since the beginning of winter quarter)
Pre-Event Page
- Usually in production a month before the day of the actual event
Live Page
- Can be in production before the day of the event BUT it should have restricted acess UNTIL the day of the event
Version Control
In order to collaborate with other developers and have neat features like CI/CD, we use GitHub and many of the features they provide like Github Actions
I would personally prefer that all developers on this project use VSCode so that I can actually help troubleshoot any bugs.
However, you can use any IDE you would like, if any.
Vercel is the tool I use deploy CitrusHack 2023. It integrates seemlessly with Next.js applications and is really easy to setup!